Welcome to Samsens Australian Labradoodle
Welcome to Samsen's Australian Labradoodles. We are breeders of Australian labradoodle in north of Sweden.
Our breeds stand out from the crowd in many ways by their Temperament, Beauty, there soft non shedding fleece coat and willingness to work and integrate with people.
Only the best homes are good enough for our amazing dogs that also have a beauty far above many.
How to get a Puppy from Samsens
First step is to read and get information on our homepage.
We also want you to read more on Australian Labradoodle Association of America
www.alaa-labradoodles.com about Australian labradoodle. or WALA https://www.wala-labradoodles.org
We are as breeder proud member of both of this Associations.
Then we want a Contact and more information about you and your family and what you looking for and waht kind of life you can offer apuppy.
After a personal interview I want to meet in real life, with mutual trust, you can be put on the reservation list.
The definitely reservation will be when the puppies are born and after deposit payment.
When the puppy are 5 weeks we are taking first visitors to them.
It is very important to select the right puppy for you and your life circumstances.
Therefore we have to watch the personality development of the puppy which show up after app 6 weeks.
we fully reserve the right to match the puppies to the family, but we do respect your wishes as wel about sex and colour.
When you are interested in a puppy from our kennel start by reading through our website thoroughly.
We do not respond to short emails with just a question if we have puppies. You need to make a proper presentation about yourself and your family and why an ALD.
For our puppies we are looking for loving, responsible owners with the willingness to work care and understanding.
An education with a clear line, but with love, patience and positive reinforcement.
Important to us is your commitment to love our little pupp and that you want and can offer the puppie happy and good dog life.
We have very good references!
Right now there are puppies born 18/8 available. Mom is Tila(small medium) and dad is Marques mini)if interested send mail: samsenslabradoodle@gmail.com
Are you interested and want to know more please contact us
Vi är stolta uppfödare av Australian Labradoodle och är anslutna till de världsorganisationerna WALA och ALAA för Australien Labradoodle. Vår verksamhet är baserad i Östra Jämtland.
Vårt främsta mål inom aveln är att föda upp friska, sunda hundar som uppfyller WALA och ALAAs avelsnormer. Våra hundar tränas för att fungera som sociala tjänstehundar, är lätta att nå och redo att arbeta. Dessutom är de utmärkta sällskapshundar som passar perfekt i familjen. Vi har noggrant valt ut, testat och godkänt våra avelshundar enligt stränga nationella och internationella avelsregler med avelslinjer huvudsakligen från USA. Vi är stolta medlemmar och är ackrediterade i världsorganisationen för Australian Labradoodle WALA läsa mer
och även ALAA
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