Welcome to Samsens Australian Labradoodle
Welcome to Samsen's Australian Labradoodles. We are breeders of Australian labradoodle in north of Sweden.
Our breeds stand out from the crowd in many ways by their Temperament, Beauty, there soft non shedding fleece coat and willingness to work and integrate with people.
Only the best homes are good enough for our amazing dogs that also have a beauty far above many.
About Us
Our Australian Labradoodles are home raised by myself, my husband and our 3 children.
All our Australian Labradoodle dogs and puppies are kid friendly and very well socialized. They all are raised with the meticulous care needed to produce well rounded, happy, healthy pups.
Our Australian Labradoodle puppies are born in our home, with our family, under constant supervision and care. All our dogs have plenty of space to run and play which ensures sound mental health and a happy life.
The surroundings on our big farm offer many places to hide and interact.
They meet cats and also our icelandic horses and sheeps we have nearby at the meadow.
I'm self growing up as a child whit a grandfather and father breeding prize-winning huntingdogs that was rewarded whit the finest price you can get in Sweden Hamiltonplaketten.
I have als education in dogbreeding
All our puppies grow up in our house as a familydog
They are always in contact with people and other animals we have on her on our farm.
. Thereby they learn to face different situations and challenges.
Also they get a lot of different impressions and learn to deal with commom noises.
Collecting all those different impressions will prepare the puppy for all eventualities which they will experience in everyday live.
Our Goal
Our breedinggoal is to breed an Australian Labradoodle which will enrich your live as a wonderful family dog.
The goal is to continue to maintain health as robust as possible in our Australian labradoodels.
We want to breed a very wellsocialized and healthy puppy, . Therefore for us as a breeder its only breeding with original Australian Labradoodles in question.
The "breeding" with various other Labradoodle, even those with one Australian Labradoodle infusions over just a few generations does not work for us.
We are excited and proud to be the one and only breeder in Sweden that are member of ALAA, the Australian Labradoodle breeding Association of America. That is for us a true qualitystamp.
We follow there rules and regulation of our breed.
Our first litters have coming out like true Little Stars. Of course we have achieved this success because we we only use great dogs. We only choose the best for our puppies.
We breed in mini and medium size Australin Labradoodle. Our dogs comes in both wavy and curly fleece.
The ancestors of our dogs reach back to the original breed of Tegan Park and Rutland Manorlake.
We are proud breedermember of WALA and ALAA and have the Golden Paw
Vi är stolta uppfödare av Australian Labradoodle och är anslutna till de världsorganisationerna WALA och ALAA för Australien Labradoodle. Vår verksamhet är baserad i Östra Jämtland.
Vårt främsta mål inom aveln är att föda upp friska, sunda hundar som uppfyller WALA och ALAAs avelsnormer. Våra hundar tränas för att fungera som sociala tjänstehundar, är lätta att nå och redo att arbeta. Dessutom är de utmärkta sällskapshundar som passar perfekt i familjen. Vi har noggrant valt ut, testat och godkänt våra avelshundar enligt stränga nationella och internationella avelsregler med avelslinjer huvudsakligen från USA. Vi är stolta medlemmar och är ackrediterade i världsorganisationen för Australian Labradoodle WALA läsa mer
och även ALAA
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